About US

In late 2015, Larpeenghar livestock and agriculture company was the first emerging company in Afghanistan which dealing with dairy genetics.this company has been established since 2015.

Larspeenghar live stock and agriculture company is a legal company which is distributing semens in Afghanistan. We are the first company in the history of Afghanistan whose work is under the supervision of livestock services directorate. Larspeenghar is currently having distribution points in 18 provinces with 6 organized distributors and being implemented by more than 200 artificial inseminator.

We are moving gradually not only to increase the milk production capacity but to increase the capacity building of Afghan dairy farmers. We are assuring our customers that we are using standard progeny tested semens having the quality of Mail. Pedigrees and health certificate of the bulls are available on hard and online attested from origin country.Our shipment of semens comes through Air cargo directly from France,Germany and Canada. Guarantied tested by Mail.